OUT reports – In a newly released set of portraits from photographer and Young Queer America author Maxwell Poth, the former Out100 cover stars and social media personalities are absolutely glowing. Captured in Poth’s signature black-and-white style, the photographs of each Old Gay member (Michael Peterson, Billy Lyons, Jesse L. Martin, & Robert E. Reeves), when juxtaposed with photos of their younger selves, stand […]
Jake Gyllenhaal’s Workout To Get His Ridiculous Road House Body | Train Like | Men’s Health
Road House star Jake Gyllenhaal trained like crazy to get absolutely shredded for his role in Road House. Gyllenhaal’s trainer, Jason Walsh takes us through every movement the actor does in his daily workout to prepare for the role — both aesthetically and to perform stunts.
Unlovable by Kurt Prynne
I think I could find it in my heart to love him. Model Nicolas @_nicolasmadPhotography by Kiko Dionisio @kikodionisiophotographyT shirt @kurtprynneBrief @dirkbikkembergs